Tuesday, March 29, 2011


We received an email yesterday that contained the best news ever! I cried tears of joy and shock as I read the email over and over. So hoping I can post about the best news ever again (maybe this week yet!) when the phone rings and it's our referral! Yay!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Eleven Months

Eleven months waiting for a referral :(

I was very happy to read an email today confirming good news going on over in Ethiopia regarding MOWA and the issuance of letters and court dates; very happy.

There is this small part of me that is feeling a little angry though. Angry that there is something going on that I know absolutely nothing about that is coming between me and my daughter. A delay that I have absolutely nothing to do with but affects my family, our adoption, and most likely will result in us having to renew our homestudy and immigration approval again. This is a small part, this angry part. I don't dwell here, but it's there. I feel guilty for even having this small angry part. I would love not to have it. I remain positive, trusting and faithful, with fleeting moments of gloominess.

I just want to see her face.

My next post won't be so boo-hooish.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bend in the Road

So yesterday was crazy with news posted about Ethiopian adoptions. And as I was driving in my car, my mind racing trying to wrap my head around it all, I turned the radio on and tuned into a favorite Christian station. As soon as I did I hear Dr. Jeremiah reciting a poem called "The Bend in the Road".

The Bend in the Road
Sometimes we come to life's crossroads
And we view what we think is the end
But God has a much wider vision
And he knows that it's only a bend
The road will go on and get smoother
And after we've stopped for a rest
The path that lies hidden beyond us
Is often the path that is best
So rest and relax and grow stronger
Let go and let God share your load
And have faith in a brighter tomorrow
You've just come to a bend in the road
I like it.
And do you want to know where I was going while my mind was racing? To the store to return pink drapes I bought for little sister's pink room. What ever made me think pink drapes would tone down that crazy pink room? I just don't know about that pink. We'll see.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pink and Tired

Pink . . .

and tired . . . very pink and very tired.

We had little sister's room painted pink. I just needed to do something while we wait. As soon as daddy came home we made him come right upstairs to see just how pink pink could be.

Daddy was SO tired! He was on call the night before and got called out twice and was gone all night. Came home at 4:30 am just to shower and head back out. He never complains. And then he comes home to his biggest fans. We practically torture him looking for some attention. He never complains.

He's either falling asleep or the pink hurts his eyes too much. It seriously looks like we spray painted Pepto everywhere. Maybe it will grow on us. With a name like pink lace who thought it could look so - I don't know - pink?

You would think we would be happy to just snuggle with daddy in little sister's pink room knowing how tired he was. But we couldn't help ourselves :)

Koen - getting ready for the attack.

Disturbing - I know.

But daddy laughs, loving this attention from his peeps.

I'm not sure that pink is here to stay.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My First Baby's 25th Birthday!

My first born turned 25 on March 5! I can hardly believe it. Twenty five years have passed and I can remember every moment from that most precious day. When I close my eyes I can still feel his fresh newborn skin on mine. The miracle and gift of life God blessed me with brings tears of joy to my eyes.

Little brother Koen could not wait to give big brother Jamie his birthday balloon and the giant musical card he and Daddy picked out.

Oh how I love him.
I have to give Koen credit for taking this picture.
My boys. Pieces of my heart that beat outside of my own chest.

We spent the day with Jamie and that included going to watch him play football. He plays flag football for an indoor league. He got his warm up playing catch with a little brother who so wants to be a football player like his big brother.

Did I say how much I love these boys of mine?

Future Cowboy! Jamie's favorite team - hence the jersey with the number 3 on it. Jamie wore number 3 in every sport he played in school.

We then went to a restaurant for dinner and then stopped into the dance club connected to the restaurant to see Jamie and his friends.

Smooches for the birthday boy. Jamie has always been very loving and affectionate and never went through that stage where his mommy couldn't hug and kiss him in public or in front of his friends. Rare, I know, and so sweet.
Squeeze! Big Hugs!
Oh how I love him.