Friday, April 22, 2011

Twelve Months

I was really hoping that I wouldn't be posting about being on the waitlist 12 months today. But it's 12 months today. Hard to believe. I thought with the resolution of the investigation one month ago and referrals starting back up 2 weeks ago that I would be posting about our referral.

Got my cranky pants on this morning. Going to give myself just a few more minutes to be cranky then moving on. It's a beautiful day and I need to be thankful.


  1. Ugh... I hear you! We'll hit 12 months next week. We're praying hard that those referrals really will start coming!

  2. It is understandable that you are cranky! We got our referral at 12 months, 3 weeks and 4 days and I was a you-know-what on wheels the last couple months of that wait! Your call is coming soon, Kathleen. I am so excited for you to finally see your beautiful girl's face!!!

    P.S. Friday's were popular days for referrals last year...and the calls usually came in the early afternoon East Coast time...RING PHONE, RING ;-)

  3. At least you could muster the ability to do a twelve month post I just couldn't do it! The cranky pants made me laugh and I'm afraid my children and husband would say I've been wearing them a lot lately! Praying for you Friend!

  4. Praying that this is the week... It's not even so much that I want it... I feel like I need to know who my babies are... I reluctantly made our 15 month post and am hoping that I do not have to put it up...

  5. I'm right there with ya! hoping we all hear news soon.
