Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Five Months!

Five months on the wait list!

And since it has been a year since we started our adoption we have to start redoing a lot of the paperwork. I had my physical today, got refingerprinted for the FBI as required for State Licensing (not same as CIS), sent in forms for criminal clearance and child abuse history clearance, sent a check for an updated home study to be performed, and started working on our financial statement. Frank and Jamie also got refingerprinted today. Time to take a deep breath and just tackle it as it comes. I was stressing at the thought of having to redo the paperwork that expired after a year but I must say it's not that bad.

Check back with me when I have to reapply for CIS fingerprints though. Who knew some fingerprints cannot be read? I have fingerprints - I can see them myself. How can they be unreadable? That's a story for another time - a story I will tell in about 3 months when I have to reapply. A process that cost us almost 6 months of our adoption journey. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry so I will not think about it until I absolutely have to. Until then I will continue to stalk blogs and daydream about that referral call!

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